About Us
The overarching vision for the Center for Rapid Automated Fabrication Technologies (CRAFT) is to develop the science and engineering needed for rapid automated fabrication of objects of various size out of a variety of materials including polymers, metals and alloys, ceramics and composites such as concrete at various sizes ranging from meso-scale to mega-scale objects. Application areas for CRAFT technologies are diversified and include fields such as biomedical, automotive, space industry, and building construction industry.
Professor Behrokh Khoshnevis (www.bkhoshnevis.com)
Sonny Astani Department of Civil and Env. Engineering
Dr. Khoshnevis's Team:
- Xiang Gao,
Selective Separation Shaping of cementitious parts
- Behnam Zahiri,
Modeling of Contour Crafting for sulfur concrete
- Hadis Nouri,
Selective Separation Shaping (SSS) of polymeric parts
- Omid Davtalab,
A Data Driven Software Platform for Process Automation, Planning and Inspection of Large-Scale Robotic 3D Printing System
- Ali Kazemian,
Extrusion Characterization and Real Time Quality Monitoring for Construction 3D Printing
- Babak Zareian,
Inter-layer adhesion in Contour Crafting
- Xiao Yuan,
Contour Crafting Construction with Sulfur Concrete
- Amir Mansouri,
Analysis of the strength of structures fabricated by Contour Crafting
- Payman Torabi
Enhancing surface accuracy and dimensional accuracy of SIS-Metal parts with application to high temperature alloys
- Matthew Petros,
The extensions of Selective Inhibition Sintering (SIS) to high temperature alloys
- Tony Di Carlo,
Material Characteristics for Contour Crafting

Professor Yong Chen (viterbi-web.usc.edu/~yongchen/)
Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Dr. Chen's Team: